Saturday, March 29, 2014

What is our purpose ?

 What is our purpose on this earth? I don’t believe that we come on this earth to live the life that society outline for us as the successful life, then die. I truly believe there is more to our existence and we all have a duty to find it and fulfill it so this world can be a better place for all. There are too many imbalances and inhumane systems; no one should be starving to death while others are wasting, no one needs to die for lack of medicine while the pharmaceutical companies are making billions in profit.  Not all purposes are grand acts or big gestures; we can’t all be Oprah Winfrey. No one may even notice what you have done not even the person who benefited.  Our assignment may be as simple as to one person which maybe something so small to us but in that person’s life is a life altering experience. We should do what is in our power; some have the power to do great things, others don’t.

      Sometimes we get a feeling to do something which we sometimes pass off as  our mind telling us, it is  a gut feeling or inkling. Time after time I ignore these urges, which I truly believe are my arrows and signs pointing me. If there can be signs and arrows pointing me to the bathrooms in the shopping malls why would something as important as life come without it's own signs.  Occasionally  a neighbor or a friend  needed something but they are too proud or embarrass to say  and I feel the urge to reach out but feel silly or fearful of their reaction to later find out that they desperately needed the help. When I hear that still small voice  I usually shrug it off; that is how I often miss my arrows pointing me to my purpose. Sometimes I allow the actions of a person I could help to deter me  which is my own self-centeredness. Sometimes we think we should be doing something to leave our mark on the  world, but we only need to leave our mark right where we are; in our homes, next door, in our neighborhoods, right there in our communities. I know there are many people out there fulfilling their purposes by volunteering, checking on their neighbors and standing up for the weak and downtrodden in this world. I want to take my place among those people to find my purpose before my final exit from this earth.
      This year I am challenging myself to seek my purpose, I will ask the questions and look for the answers, somewhere inside it will reveal itself to me if I truly desire it.  I will look out for the signs in life, my arrows pointing to my purpose, even right here, "somewhere off ...... "

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