Sunday, March 30, 2014


As I walked home today I felt the force of the wind at my back, it was pushing me which made me walked at a noticeably faster speed. Occasionally a gust of wind would come along and send me into a mini jog. It was then I remembered the phrase “wind at my back”. Ironically, at that moment that particular phrase for me was not just a metaphor but it was literal. I am doing a lot of new and  I like me a lot, I am fun to be with, have a winning smile, a sunny disposition on life and I enjoy helping people, those are  few of the things that I really like about myself. Now that I’m no longer on a treadmill I am taking inventory of my life  and is very  impressed with my strengths and my ability to overcome adversity.  I have since come to appreciate the value of each adversity and the lessons learned, especially the strength that I gained over the course of my life. I found out that it is true that the hotter the battle the sweeter the victory, but to be careful to pick the worthwhile ones. I became euphoric as I realized my capacity to let go of the past and things that are no longer relevant to my life and to look forward always. My capacity to love and my burning desire to make a difference in the lives of others is the thing that I most admire about myself. My capacity for forgiveness is limited but I promise to work on that. The bottom line is that I am a work in progress, as is many of us.  My hope is that this year you will have the wind at your back and you will be able to accomplish at least one thing in your life that has been a lifelong dream. I wish you love, success and peace as you make your way through the obstacles that life has in store for all of us. Life has its challenges and its hurdles for everyone but that is what makes it stimulating, exciting and fulfilling; it is how we handle our adversities that develop our characters and our strengths. Persevering with hope, in gratitude … somewhere off Barton Street.